Welcome to the resistance

Welcome to the resistance

I’m no kind of expert on public policy, authoritarianism, fascism, or really much of anything else. I’m just an average citizen who was starting to slip into a doom spiral thanks to the unending barrage of terrible executive orders and backroom shenanigans coming out of Washington, just two weeks into President Trump’s second term.

I decided that to pull myself out of the despair loop, I needed to start looking for actions I can take to survive in Trump’s America and hopefully help prevent or reverse the damage he is doing to its citizens and people around the world. I started this website as an avenue to collect and organize my thoughts and share the resources I hope to utilize with others who need them.

Whether you are scared and wondering what you can do or you are fired up and ready to fight or somewhere in between, you are welcome here. This site is openly supportive and affirming of women, and trans, queer, black, brown, and other minoritized and marginalized communities that Trump’s policies disproportionately impact.

I am a believer in science, facts, logic, empathy, community, and equity. I believe we all have the right to live our lives free from exploitation and tyranny. If you share these beliefs, then hop in loser, we’re going fascist hunting.

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